Wednesday, January 30, 2013

While We Worked: A Documentary on the Lives of Restaurant Workers

UPDATE: (3/4/13) Sad news today. Due to a potential lawsuit from the Cliff House restaurant, my documentary has now been removed from the internet as to avoid any further escalation. This was a labor of love for years and I was excited to share it with the world. Things have changed however for now. I am thankful to those in the community that have my support and to those that watched and shared my movie. The feedback on the movie blew my mind, so I am glad that you all enjoyed it while you could and that I had a bit of an audience for a short while. With time, who knows what will happen and we shall see. I will keep you all updated on this as it develops...

Here it is at last...5 1/2 years later, my documentary on the Cliff House, a behind-the-scenes look at the restaurant industry and the people that run it. This is a full length (90 min long) documentary. Be advised: Not for everyone! Contains strong language and sexual content. Starring Strangley Doesburg, and many more. Soundtrack by the badass Christopher Newton. Additional edits by Jake Knapp.

I spent a lot if time on this project, so if you could pass it along, share it (especially with those in the business) and give any feedback that would make this real worth while for me! (Do keep in mind the fact that this was very low budget, and was shot back in 2007, mostly on the clock.) And lastly, if you'd like a physical copy of the movie, get a hold of me for more details.

Without further ado: While We Worked: A Documentary on the Lives of Restaurant Workers

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