Monday, September 12, 2011

"When I'm Back"--Bad Tenants Music Vid/"You're So Hot" Gibbs Response Vid

Two new, un-related videos for you today...straight from Bellingham as always!

First off, the Bad Tenant's new music video by Darkheart Visions:

And a new Gibbs Response Video (Viewer Discretion advised):

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Masquerader (Poetry)

Here is a collection of free verse poetry that I wrote, entitled "Masquerader" (written during one of the darkest times in my life) with illustrations by the lovely Jenni Potts. You can simply read it below, follow the link to the host site, or download the PDF for FREE! Please share any feedback. Thanks and enjoy!

Masquerader.cwk (WP)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'WWU Pizza Time Incident'

It's gone viral and everyone is expressing their opinion! What's your take?


Friday, May 20, 2011

Northwest Honda Commercial

Looks like we might have some local celebrities on the rise! Bellingham band The Bad Tenants are being featured in the above commercial for NW Honda. The music playing in the commercial is "Even a Hustler," which will end up being the first single off the band's next EP, said Bad Tenants vocalist Casey Gainor (aka C-Spot).

The commercial was made by local production company Darkheart Visions, a company that frequently supports local musicians. Gainor said the company and the band had been talking about filming an upcoming music video, so Darkheart Visions had some of their unreleased music, which made it's way into the commercial.

"It was a surprise, but it was a good surprise," Gainor said. "We're excited they wanted to help support local bands."

The Bad Tenants are a four-man band whose alternative hip-hop style comes from a background of "blues music and college degrees." They're currently working on a full-length album.

So far, Gainor said he's only seen the commercial on the Internet. But the well-done and humorous video of boys being boys could go viral at any moment. For C-Spot and the Bad Tenants, it's an exciting step on their hip-hop journey.

"It's an odd mix between thinking the commercial's funny, and being in awe of the fact that my music is in the background," Gainor said.

You can check out the Bad Tenants yourself on April 27. They'll be doing a benefit show with 100 percent of door fees going to Amy's Place.

Submitted by Kera Wanielista, KOMO Communities Reporter

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ig88 w/ guests at Nectar Lounge 1.26.11

Ig88 (with guests including Jenni Potts and Michael Harris) performed at the Nectar Lounge. Also performing that night were WD4D and Tiny Vipers. These clips were filmed by Micah Knapp of, "Knapp Bros. Entertainment" and edited by Jenni Potts.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Doc Rough Cut/King of Limbs

Hey everyone,

so I've an announcement to make. It's been years coming...

but alas, I have finished a rough cut of my restaurant documentary, "While We Worked". What does that mean now? Well, the basic movie is there, clocking in at about 96 min. Needs some slight trimming, sound mixing/editing, finished musical score, and narration and it will be complete. I shot the thing back in '07 so it's taken me long enough, but I've done it!

As far as distribution, I've decided to join the online revolution and release the thing as a free downloadable bit torrent for all. I feel it is only fitting. I'm checking out various torrent sites, and will let you all know the details when we get closer to releasing.

I'm celebrating by listening to the new Radiohead album, "King of Limbs". So far I'm really digging on it. (Reminds me a lot of Thom Yorke's solo album, "The Eraser".) I love the way they are staying ahead of the curve in regards to the music industry, and I hope they keep doing this digital download thing. They've always been innovators.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Machine Stops

I read a short story awhile back, that was eerily prophetic, and fore-warning of the future:

"The Machine Stops", a short science fiction story, written in 1909.

According to Wikipedia, "'The Machine Stops' describes a world in which almost all humans have lost the ability to live on the surface of the Earth. Each individual lives in isolation in a 'cell', with all bodily and spiritual needs met by the omnipotent, global Machine. Most humans welcome this development, as they are skeptical and fearful of first-hand experience. People forget that humans created the Machine, and treat it as a mystical entity whose needs supersede their own. Those who do not accept the deity of the Machine are viewed as 'unmechanical' and are threatened with "Homelessness". Eventually, the Machine apocalyptically collapses, and the civilization of the Machine comes to an end."

"The Machine Stops" is almost haunting in it’s prediction of the future, especially when you take into account when the story was written--well before World War I--and how little the technological advances were, even at this point. It’s predictions of communication are astounding. For instance--the ability to speak to someone on the other side of the world instantaneously--through a tablet like device. How technology ruled our lives, eventually becoming capable of doing everything for the point where we forgot what life was all about. Forgetting to be spiritual..

You could see this story as the predecessor to Pixar’s “Wall-E”. How we have, and continue to, become so consumed by technology and it’s comfort, that we will become lazy..even start to worship the “machine” itself. What will be the consequences for the human race if we continue on this path of obsession with technology? Is technology the next big evolutionary step? Will it ultimately take over, control, and eventually wipe out humanity all together? These are things we shouldn't leave far from our thoughts. Not pass off as in the “future”. It’s happening now.

Don’t let technology completely rule your life.